

The likes of Google and Facebook have changed the way we shop for products/services. So it is vital then for every business to utilise these platforms. However, for many small businesses digital marketing can be time consuming, and costly if it isn’t done right. That’s where we can help. We offer a cost-effective digital marketing service for small & medium sized businesses that will help generate more leads.

We specialise in Social Media Marketing, SEO, PPC and Email Marketing, and we will work with you to determine the best marketing options for your business goals. Learn more about our services below and get in touch with our friendly team to discuss how we can help your business.


Social media is increasingly the place to go to for researching about a business or a product. Social media is becoming one of the biggest areas for businesses to land new leads and increase sales. It’s now more likely than ever your customers are on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram or LinkedIn and so you should be too, we can help with that.




Every business needs a Facebook Page, but what about Twitter, Instagram and many other popular social platforms? Whether your business has a presence on these social networks or not, we can help get you set up and begin building your online profile.


Facebook Posts, Adverts, Offers… It can all get a bit complicated for those who aren’t familiar with the Business tools of Facebook. We set up a personalised strategy for your business, work out a budget that suits you and give you a full breakdown of everything we do.



Facebook Posts, Adverts, Offers… It can all get a bit complicated for those who aren’t familiar with the Business tools of Facebook. We set up a personalised strategy for your business, work out a budget that suits you and give you a full breakdown of everything we do, and what everything means..



Once everything is set up we can then start promoting your products/services to your target audience, as well as keeping your existing customer base updated. We will put our research into action with engaging adverts and posting content regularly to your social pages.


Social media profiles require ongoing management. Responding to customer comments/messages, sharing useful content, posting important updates… It can be hard for a business to manage multiple social pages at once. This is where we can step in to help, with as little or as much profile management as your business needs.



Social media profiles require ongoing management. Responding to customer comments/messages, sharing useful content, posting important updates… It can be hard for a business to manage multiple social pages at once. This is where we can step in to help, with as little or as much profile management as your business needs.


Appearing in the results page of a customer who is searching for your product or services is the key objective of any content marketing plan. We can help you discover what your customers are searching for, and re-structuring your content so that it is indexed properly by Google, Bing or Yahoo to match the search requests.


We carry out a number of techniques to ensure your site is optimised for the top search engines. This includes optimisation with page loading speed, meta data (how search engines interpret your site), content variety and much more.


It is also important to optimise a website externally. We help get your business onto the top business directories and set up a blog to send traffic back to your website.


We carry out research into what keywords your target audience are using to find products/services that you offer. We then implement this keyword research across your website, optimising content to help better rank the site in organic search results.


We set up an analytics profile to help us monitor your website’s performance. We can then see detailed data on where traffic is coming from and much more. We create a monthly report of this data for you to view and download.


Unlike traditional marketing where a wide net has to be cast in order to catch new customers, Pay Per Click (PPC) advertising can be perfectly targeted at your audience, this way you aren’t wasting money on people who won’t be interested in your product/service. Worried or confused about venturing into the world of PPC? We can help you to get up and running fast…


Get ahead of the competition in the search results with a Google Search Advert. We carry out thorough research into the demographics and behaviors of your target audience in order to maximise the effectiveness of our search ads.


Advertise your business on the websites your target audience are visiting. We create stunning visual display ads that grab the attention of your potential customers.


Email marketing is still one of the most important, and often overlooked, parts of any marketing strategy. From initial customer contact, a comfort email from a completed web form, or a direct mail piece for a structured campaign. We can help you with the design and build and we are familiar with the most common email delivery services such as Mailchimp.


We can get your business set up with an email marketing platform and get to work creating beautifully designed campaigns that your customers will want to open and learn more about..


Finding out which of our email campaigns your customers had a better response to helps us improve future campaigns. Important statistics such as the open and click rates help us improve results.

From some of our satisfied customers...

Brainstormers have been amazing in getting our business new work

“We contacted Brainstormers on the recommendation of a friend. Brainstormers have been amazing in getting our business new work. Previously, we hadn’t got a single lead from our website in the 2 years since it was built, that is until the team at Brainstormers started marketing our business. Now we actually get enquiries from our website!”

Anne Tyler-Bryant

Bryant Interior Furnishing

Brilliant service at an affordable price

“We had a website built a while ago that we weren’t getting any leads from. We got in touch with Brainstormers to see if anything could be done with it as we didn’t want a whole new website. They identified the issues with it and after we gave the green light they had resolved the problems quickly. An excellent service that didn’t cost a fortune to fix.”

Jenny Smith

Silver Birch Curtains

A big boost in leads…

“Brainstormers created a stunning website for my upholstery business and also got me set up with a Facebook and Instagram page to help generate more work, specifically in my local area of Verwood, Dorset. I used to rely mostly on word-of-mouth for work, but since getting Brainstormers on board to handle my digital marketing I have seen a huge boost in the number of leads I receive.”

Nick Jay


Brainstormers have helped expand our online brand awareness

“We have worked with Brainstormers for a number of years with regards to our website and keeping it updated with all of our current projects. We recently wanted to step into the world of Facebook to boost our PR and interaction with customers but didn’t know where to start. Brainstormers helped get us set up and they now keep it managed for us with regular content updates. It has helped to expand our online brand awareness.”

Simon Crow

Lawsh Ltd

An excellent marketing service

“Our motorhome hire business is a relatively new one so we knew getting customers was going to be a challenge to start with. That is why we decided to get Brainstormers to help get us set up with a website and market the business thereafter. Our experience has been excellent, they have even managed to help us market our business internationally and we have had a number of inquires from abroad looking to hire with us which as a small business is outstanding.”

Simon Parry

Go Solent Motorhome Hire

A professional, reliable service

“Brainstormers have been a huge help to our business since they first set up our website 9 years ago, since then, they have designed many of our marketing materials, produced and edited our video content and much more. We would recommend them to businesses of any size who need a professional, reliable service.”

Ian Poate

Living Outside Ltd

We look forward to discussing how we can help you reach your business goals

PHONE | 07754664025
EMAIL | info@thinkbrainstormers.co.uk
ADDRESS | Hideaway Studio, St Annes Avenue,
Southbourne, Bournemouth BH6 3JR

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Brainstormers collects personal information when you use this contact form or place an order for products or services. We will use this information to provide the services requested, maintain records and, if you agree, to send you marketing information about our services. Brainstormers will not share your information with any other third party companies. For more information explaining how we use your information please see our privacy policy.

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